Friday, May 4, 2007

How to Destory the World

When writing your stories, something appeals to you about the world that they're in. It has to. You write it, genius. So now, here's the question: What should you do with that world?
World often revolves around sequels; a few or a few dozen, but it's more than likely based on or around characters, right?
What if you're writing this awesome-powering epic about the end of the world? My God, the end of the world is coming!
It's a touchy subject for some. To me, it's a fascination. Can it happen? Will it happen? When?
While I do not have the answers to any of these questions, my opinions are as follows: Yes. Most Likely. Who knows.
I've been working, and then completely and re-working several stories, including The Fallen. And to follow of that would be numerous short stories, with a potential second novel and a few novellas.
For the most part they do not go around just one character but several. It's based in a near-apocalyptic world of utter chaos and destruction, demons and monsters, faith and hope, death and life.

Writers know that to be good at what they do, the key ingredient is knowledge. You need to do your homework, my friend. Just imagine one novel taking place in a few different states, a few different countries and a few different continents.
You see, the world we live in is still a giant mystery (unless you know something I don't), and the depth of Space is greater than that by billions.

So, how do you make a world and destroy it?
It's easier said than done. But if you want, I'll wait here while you look it up on the internet…

Done? Good.

There is no right way or wrong way to end the world (religious buffs are probably composing hate mail right about now). You see all these movies on End Times Prophecy, read the books, maybe even dust off the ole Bible and starting finding verse after verse of quotes to use.

When it comes down to it, this world is pretty much going to hell in a hand-basket. It's not that hard to see is it?
We got terrorists; pissed off kids going on shooting sprees at schools; enough bombs to destroy the entire solar system.
Does anyone see something wrong with this picture here?


So, while Snow Hill is at the shop (editor's office), I'll be working on a new world, modeling off the one we live in today.

Oh, and I might have a special promotional thing going on with one of my publishers for an upcoming convention. And I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Kim Smith said...

New visitor chek'n in. I added you on Ning.

hell in a handbasket, aye. With a quickness!